
Boethius Fellowship

The Boethius Fellowship unites those passionate about liberal education in a bond of friendship and common effort to recover wisdom for a darkened world.

Senior Fellows are Master Teachers of the variety of disciplines that comprise traditional liberal education: Trivium, Quadrivium, Philosophy, Natural Sciences, History, and Theology. They have also been active in promoting the renewal of liberal education at primary, secondary, and collegiate levels.

Severinus Fellows of the Boethius Institute are current and aspiring leaders of educational renewal at the local, national, and international levels who are committed to being well-formed in the traditional liberal arts as a foundation for a life of wisdom and to supporting one another in efforts to advance a common vision of liberal education.

Associate Fellows have made significant contributions to the advancement of liberal education and, sharing a common vision of education, contribute significantly to the efforts of the Boethius Institute.

Senior Fellows

Andrew Seeley


Andrew Seeley is co-founder and President of the Boethius Institute for the Advancement of Liberal Education. He also serves as the…

Jeffrey Lehman

Dean of Fellows

Jeffrey S. Lehman is co-founder and Dean of Fellows at the Boethius Institute. He earned a B.A. in Biblical Literature…

Erik Ellis

Assistant professor of education at Hillsdale College

Erik Ellis is Assistant Professor of Education and Classical Learning at the University of Dallas. He earned a B.A. in…

John Boyle 

Director of the Catholic Studies Program at University of St. Thomas, St. Paul

John Boyle  is Chairman of the Department of Catholic Studies at University of St. Thomas, St. Paul. He holds a…

Matthew Walz

Matthew Walz was born in New York, but grew up mostly in Ohio. He completed undergraduate studies at Christendom College,…

Severinus Fellows

Alex Lessard

Alex E. Lessard, Ph.D., MSFS, is the founder and president of Adeodatus, a new organization supporting Catholic education through conferences,…

José Ambrozic

José Ambrozic is the President of Universidad Juan Pablo II Board member of the Committee for Economic Affairs and Investment…

Jean Guerreiro

Jean Guerreiro is the Academic Dean of the Instituto Newman Brasil. Spoken Latin teacher Admissions Counselor at Thomas Aquinas College…

Jose Amorocho Morales

Jose Amorocho Morales is pursuing a PhD in Psychology, specializing in basic neuropsychological processes. Fluent in English and Spanish with…

Chris Owens

Chris Owens is Chief Executive Officer of the Veterum Sapientia Institute Founding Chairman, Board of Directors, Chesterton Academy of Sacramento…

Michelle Ferguson

Michelle Ferguson successfully homeschooled her four children through high school before founding Legenda Classical Resources. Has 28 years of teaching…

Joseph Tabenkin

Joseph Tabenkin is an experienced software product manager who recently transitioned to focus full time on building resources for educators.…

Gannon Hyland

Gannon Hyland is the Director of Education for the St. John Henry Newman Institute (JHNI), which helps parochial schools and…

Lindsey Hyland

Lindsey Hyland teaches multi-age Latin classes at Seton Academy. Former Rome Correspondent for the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross…

Chris Wilson

Chris Wilson teaches at John Paul the Great Academy in Lafayette, Louisiana. Completed CiRCE Tirocinium Latinum Apprenticeship  M.T.S. John Paul II…

Katie Gillett

Katie Gillett was the valedictorian of the Catholic Educator Formation and Credential Program 2023 cohort Teacher and teacher mentor at…

Lucas Fonseca

Lucas Fonseca holds a Master's degree in Philosophy from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) and is…

Associate Fellows

John Brungardt

Dr. John G. Brungardt is assistant professor of philosophy in the School of Catholic Studies at Newman University in Wichita,…